Programs & Services


CARE: for yourself & others

CARE works to improve health, productivity and social wellbeing for individuals, businesses and whole communities. CARE comes from a strong evidence base and incorporates current best science and practice . CARE has been widely delivered across diverse public, private, clinical and community settings, (including schools), over many years. Latest information, with a focus on Australian research, is shared to improve all dimensions of health: physical, mental and social. CARE also covers mental illness and suicide prevention, and steps to take if you are concerned about yourself or someone else. CARE is an evaluated program that comes with a strong track record. If you want to take better CARE of yourself, and assist others to do the same then this is the program for you. CARE can be tailored to meet the needs of your workplace or community.

Top 1% me: Leadership & Performance

Who doesn’t want to be best version of themselves? With so many demands on us from so many different perspectives, sometimes it can all just begin to feel like too much though. Do you feel like you want to do better for the people closest to you, your colleagues, clients/customers, and the community in which you live, but you’re already overburdened and don’t know where to begin? Then this program may be just what you or your workplace needs. Top leadership & performance isn’t about working harder or longer, or disciplined pursuits requiring endless willpower, (which we know is actually finite) . It’s about finding what matters most in your life, and using kind, compassionate, evidence-based approaches that can bring out the best in you and your team. Live the top 1% Life you deserve, and let that be what you share with the people you serve.

Mind Body Medicine

Modern medicine is learning more about the wisdom of some ancient traditions, philosophies and practices, like yoga and meditation. Join a group class in person or online, or have a one on one session with a registered Yoga Therapist (Australian Association of Yoga Therapists, AAYT) to experience the benefits for yourself. You won’t look back!